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Activity Update

Pollice Illuminazione would like to inform you that following the measures adopted with Presidential Decree 11 March 2020 concerning the containment of Covid-19, our company has taken all the necessary precautions to preserve the safety and health of its employees. Ours headquarter in Milan is committed to continuing its activity through the adoption of smart working, and to follow, as far as possible, production and deliveries. Our customer service will be available as usual to give you all the support and assistance you need.

Pollice illuminazione is playing its part according to the containment directives, trusting the Government and with a profound sense of responsibility and care towards the most exposed and weak part from our communities.

You can contact us through your usual references. Optimistic for the months to come, when we will meet again more aware and more united.

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This website is DYNAMIC!

This website follows the circandian cycle: its graphics will make you experience different color temperatures from sunrise to sunset, simulating with you the dynamism of sunlight.

Coming back to polliceilluminazione.it at different times of the day, you will discover that it is never the same: its lighting is synchronized with the external lighting of natural light, which occurs at that precise time.

Try to simulate the different moments of the day by clicking the corresponding buttons in the footer of our site in the “CIRCADIAN CYCLE CONTROL” section!